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Allowing yourself to find a comfortable position, with your head, neck, and spine aligned and comfortable, and with your arms and legs in a position that feels just right for you.

And so, as you allow your mind and body to become still and quiet… just bring your attention to the fact that you are breathing… and become aware of the movement of the breath as it enters and leaves your body… Not manipulating your breathing in any way… not trying to change it… simply being aware of your breathing and the feelings associated with it.

And with your next inhalation… imagine that you are breathing in peace, calmness, and tranquility, and with your exhalation… imagine that you are breathing out any tension, anxiety, or discomfort that you may be feeling right now.

Inhaling peace, calmness, tranquility, and exhaling any tension, anxiety, or discomfort that you may be feeling…

And for the next few minutes just give full attention and full care to each in-breath and each out-breath as they flow one after the other in a never-ending, life-giving cycle.

[Allow 2 minutes of silence]

If thoughts come… let them come and let them go, always coming back to your inhalation and your exhalation.

[Allow 1-2 minutes of silence]

And now when you are ready, slowly and gently bring yourself back into the room, feeling your body in the chair, gently moving your fingers and your toes, and at your own pace, allowing your eyes to gently open.

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